Monday, February 6, 2012

O.k. so I'm starting up again:)

Hello fellow bloggers,
Family members:)
Sorry it's been SO long since I've posted. I have three perfectly good excuses for ya-
#1. My computer broke!
#2. Tom got a new job so we moved right back to Idaho!!
#3. I feel like I can't post new stuff till I get caught up on the mountain of old stuff, 
so I haven't done anything!!!
On that note, I have decided to post the old stuff in the right-ish order, but I'm not writing anything on those posts... yet. That way I can at least sort of satisfy my anal "everything has to be in the right order" self, without paralyzing my "I only have time to post the new craziness" self.
Glad we had this little chat. Hope you enjoy my mountain of photos:)

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