So I was sitting in my robe this morning reading Twilight.
I have two things to say in defense of that sentence. #1. It was cold this morning so the robe was keeping me warm, and I really was productive before I started reading. I had already made Logan his lunch for school, done family scripture study, had family prayer, made the kids breakfast, changed two stinky diapers, played with Henry and his "clipo hippo" for what seemed like forever, and rocked the little guy to sleep. #2. Dont' even try to make fun of me for reading Twilight cause it makes me happy right now, and I am good with that.
I have two things to say in defense of that sentence. #1. It was cold this morning so the robe was keeping me warm, and I really was productive before I started reading. I had already made Logan his lunch for school, done family scripture study, had family prayer, made the kids breakfast, changed two stinky diapers, played with Henry and his "clipo hippo" for what seemed like forever, and rocked the little guy to sleep. #2. Dont' even try to make fun of me for reading Twilight cause it makes me happy right now, and I am good with that.
O.k. back to the story.
So I was sitting in my robe this morning reading Twilight and the phone rang. It was Logan's school, so I instantly thought that he must be sick or something, but that wasn't the case. Here is how it went down-
Me- "Hello?"
The office lady- "Mrs. Perry?"
Me- "Yes."
Lady- "Logan brought a snake to school this mor..."
Me- "Ahhhhhh!"
Lady- "Please don't be worried Mom it's o.k., and I take it you weren't aware of this?"
Me- "No, I am so sorry I had no idea!"
(How the heck did he slip that one past me? Yuck, Yuck, Yuck!)
Lady- "Well apparently his teacher did say it would be o.k., but she isn't here today and the sub doesn't want it in her room. We need you to pick it up so it can be put back in it's proper cage. The jar that it's in is way too small for it."
Me- "We don't own a snake! Logan got it from the pond by our house. I"m so sorry, but I can't come right now b/c my baby is sleeping."
(I was also thinking cause I'm in my robe and trying to read my book, but I didn't need to tell her that right?)
Lady- "Do you want us to just set it free?"
So, yada, yada, yada...
they set it free, and I apologized again telling them that I was "so sorry." I also remember saying "that is just so gross!" at one point. So when I was telling Jacklyn this disgustingly hilarious story,
Jack said- "The funniest part was you freaking out when the lady told you!"
"I can't even make that noise!"
(F.Y.I., it's made by sucking in air while saying something AHHHHish)
So I guess my question for you is what do you think is the funniest part of this story?