Tuesday, October 4, 2011

And The First Friends to Visit are...

The Starnes!!!!!
We cannot wait. They are going to be here in less than two days:) 
You two win the prize!!!!!
This is actually a pic from my 30th birthday party where they actually did win my "Birthday Party Party game Prize."

Seriously, knowing we had you guys coming to visit has helped us through zillions of bouts of HOME SICKNESS!
 Where would we be without friends like YOUZ GUYZ?


  1. Thank you...thank you one and all. We'd like to dedicate this prize to our friends the Perry's. Thank you for giving us the EXCUSE to finally come and check out our Nation's Capital!!! Can't WAIT to see you guys!!!! (insert CARTWHEEL here)

    PS-check out Nate's shirt in the picture you posted. It matches your wall almost to perfection. weird.

  2. CARTWHEELS go without saying right? I woke up this morning all groggy and Tom told me the first thing I said was "one more day!" This is way cooler than Christmas:)
    Thanks for the excitement Melissa!

  3. Way cooler than Christmas?
    Whoa, whoa, whoa there man...........are you sure?
    That's a huge statement.
    Maybe I just like Christmas too much.
    The Starnes should be moved by that statement.
    I would be.
    Mind you having my brother here this year was pretty cool.
    Maybe cooler than Christmas.
    I think you might be onto something here.

  4. you have such great friends!!! enjoy each moment together!!! I have it on very good authority that the bathrooms are going to be very, very clean!!!! take care - let us know when your sister Angela gets there too!!!
