Friday, October 14, 2011

What? She did more than one post!

DC: Friday

(By the way, the stuff in blue is me, as in Emily!) 

Friday we got up early and headed to DC. We opted to rock our Bronco attired since BSU was playing Fresno that night.(Darling Staci brought me one so I could be in the cool B.S.U. club)It was fun having various people strike up conversations with us about our BSU shirts. Most people wanted to talk about the infamous blue field! We parked at Tom's building which overlooks the capital building. We went up on top of the roof to see the capital and the mall. Incredible views to say the least!
Then we went over to the Supreme Court and the Library of Congress. Nate and Tom decided to swear themselves in at the Supreme Court since they didn't actually get to do it this time. ☺
Em was in love with the golden doors!(I just think it's cool how they make everything pretty)

 The Library of Congress was BEAUTIFUL. It really was one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen.

Later that day we got a personal tour of the Capital building that Tom had set up through Senator Risch's office. The girl giving the tour was a bit on the "so quiet we can't even understand her side" but we still enjoyed it. So much history, so much information....pretty sure my head was spinning.

Then we jumped in the car and headed to Arlington National Cemetery. We pulled up to the gate at about 4:45pm and the last changing of the guard takes place at 5:00pm SHARP! The lady at the gate told us we'd never make it.
We decided we'd show her.

We took off running:

Oh, it was painful.(I, being a Canadian, had no idea where we were trying to get. I just kept thinking "why are we running? We already saw that big Iwo-Jima flag statue from the road! ) Our feet hurt so bad after walking for what seems like MILLIONS of miles already that day. Emily had blisters(cause I was stupid and was wearing plank-type-flip-flops with zero cushion), I was dying of heat. We were laughing/crying the entire time but YES. We MADE IT......with time to spare even! Yeah, we showed that chick. (this is where I realized what we were doing, and I was super glad I hadn't quit.)

It was pretty sobering seeing all of the WW2 vets in their wheelchairs right behind the was the never ending crosses and tombstones that go on and on as far as the eye can see. It is a peaceful place. Really makes you stop and count your blessings.

After Arlington it was time for dinner. We headed to the National Harbor for one DELICIOUS dinner. We had crab cakes, pasta, steak, fish overlooking the harbor. D to the LISH.(ditto)

After dinner we walked over to the PEEP's store! Fun place! We thought about our friend Missy who is a peeps fanatic!
 Our silly men:
It was one BUSY day. We went home to watch a very uneventful BSU game and fell asleep.....FAST!


  1. I loved Arlington. It was so sobering to me.
    We didn't get to do the Capitol. So I'm excited to do that next time we go.
    Looks like a fun day.

  2. You CraZy girl! You think I'm ONLY going to post pics of the temple??? NEVER!!!!

    2 more to come! Hey, we crammed a LOT in!!!
    Miss you.

  3. Knew you'd do more. That was more like "What? You thought I was only going to steal one? Nope, I'm going to steal all of them:)" Miss you too.

  4. these are amazing pictures!!! what a fun filled time. hope the sun and some warmth comes back in November!!! love to all of you.
