Thursday, September 16, 2010

I did a post for HowDoesShe? Today!

I'm always nervous that no one will like it.
Go check it out if ya want. I'd love to get some feedback.
It's a post on how I made Lays and Logan's Birthday cakes.
p.s. If you don't know where to find it,
it's that black button on the bottom right side of my blog.


  1. I think you did a great job of explaining and the pic's.
    Well done.

  2. I thought it was a great post. Now I really want to make a big cake like that just because it looks like fun. Now I just need to have an occasion to make it.

  3. I checked it out and thought it was very instructive and I feel like I could make the cake right along with the directions that you have given. Love it!!

  4. Besides skipping step 3 entirely and going from step 2 to 4.... hahahahaha
    You write exactly how you talk and I think it is great! I can hear your voice when I am reading ALL your blog posts. Also, I feel that I could have been duped into making a giant cake, the instructions were THAT good. However, I know me and I would have more cake badder on the floor than actually in cake form so I am not going to try it. Please forgive me. :)
