Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tom and I Reached a Parenting Low Tonight!

We were calling Logan all sorts of names, while sitting right next to him!
The reason is that I took him to the E.N.T. specialist today and we discovered what I had been suspecting.
Logan can hardly hear at all!
Now the sentence "Logan never listens,"
actually holds water!
So back to my story, we were getting ready to say family prayer and I ended up right next to him, with Tom on my other side. Everything was silent, so I decided it would be a great time to see just how deaf he really is.  Here is how it went down-
Me-whispering "Logan is so smelly."
And Logan just sat there right next to me, staring at the couch,
so Tom(laughing) thought he'd get in on the action.
Tom- a little louder"Logan's a nerd."
Me- a little louder" Hey Logan, you are such a geek!"
Logan- still nothing
Tom-"Hey booger face!"
Then Logan turns and looks at us like "what the heck?"
That's when we started really laughing, and told him that was like the 5th thing we had said and that he didn't hear us any of the other times. He started smiling like "o.k., that's really funny, make fun of the kid who can't hear," and tackled me down to the ground. It was all fun and games till I put him in the "CAMEL CLUTCH," and insisted that he call uncle. He wouldn't, but I felt bad so I let him go, and then he had the nerve to say he had won!!!
The truth is that I probably only have 2 more years where I actually can take him! He is a big kiddo.

Hm, I don't know if this story translates well in print, but if you'd been there I swear you would have found it as funny as me.


  1. I so want to laugh with you but know how it is to not hear well enough!! Love you Logan and wish you the best treatment possible.

  2. So what now?
    What's the plan of attack?
    Is he like deaf or just needs his ears cleaned out?

  3. Emily, you have such a flippin' amazing talent with writing. I haven't read your blog, but you've got a good laugh out of me. Will you write on my family blog please? I'll call you every day and tell you about my day. ;)

  4. Poor Logan...what now? I called you guys. I was going to stop by after class, but no one answered.

  5. Poor Logan. I think my husband suffers from the same problem.

  6. That is so funny! Poor Garry James Perry. I was just telling Jacklyn the other day I can't believe how much we use to bug poor Logan. He was practically a toddler and Jack and I with no kids and completely clueless would torment the poor child. I'm sorry for that I really am....tell Logan I'm sorry to.

  7. I know me and Jade were so heartless, poor Gary. Don't worry Log hearing aids are I go again, I had better go. Good Luck Logan

  8. Poor kiddo.. at least he has an excuse for not hearing you. Which ENT did you see? There's an AMAZING pediatric ENT in Boise - Jill Beck (associated with St. Luke's) if you need to go the pediatric route. She's SO good and has helped a lot of my family/friends.. who didn't get great results elsewhere. I think it's funny you still tackle your oldest! :)

  9. My parenting low is sooooo much worse than that!
