Friday, June 10, 2011

It's June 10th 20011 and It's my 11th Anniversary!

Wow I'm getting old!
So I woke up this morning and got the brilliant idea to make Tom some heart shaped toast.
I know it would have been way nicer of me to have done fancy pancakes,
or heart shaped strawberry stuffed french toast,
but he gets up way too early for that.
I also have a very nice of me gift that I'm getting him,
but I can't tell you what it is b/c he frequents my blog from work sometimes.

So I was skyping with my cousin Sara this morning and she asked me what I was going
to do for "The Big Day" and before I could tell her she guessed it by saying
Sara- "Don't tell me you're doing something sad like grocery shopping."
-insert sheepish smile here-
Yep, we are actually going to a grocery store tonight.
Before you go feeling sorry for me, let me just say that this store is the
 most magical grocery store on earth,
I'm going there with my favorite person on the planet,
and I won't have any of my darling little "can I get this, I need that, and please mom" kids!

Speaking of the kids,
In honor of the day
and I staged a barbie wedding.
This is the wedding, and
 Here is the reception.
We had delicious watermelon sized strawberries,
and all the Disney princesses preformed
for the program.
I have those on video, but they were too long to post.
I do, however, have a silly video I wanted to put up for your viewing pleasure.
Lat Friday we rented "Gulliver's Travels" and the kids watched the end 50 thousand times so they could dance to it.
Do you know the part where he saves the town by pulling all of the enemy boats away and when the enemy boats fire their canons they all bounce off of him?
Well right after that part I paused the show,  ran into the kitchen, grabbed a bag of marshmallows, and started a ginormous marshmallows fight. I aimed them all at Tom's face. Which meant he got hit about every 4th throw cause I have terrible aim. Tom was merciless, and has very good aim. Good thing I was wearing my glasses. Every time Henry got hit he just grabbed the "mallow" and downed it saying "YUM" in a silly high voice. Jay kept stock piling the "amo" in his shirt, Lays just ran around screaming "We're being attacked daddy,"and Logan ran upstairs to throw them at us from above which was brilliant, man he is getting old too!


  1. Happy Anniversary! I remember the day you got married very well. All the groomsmen stayed at our house and I was very pleased:) I still remember I sprayed perfume on my pillow so it would smell lovely for whoever rested their head...why did I just admit that!

  2. Emily! (And Tom) Congratulations! Time sure flies! I can't believe its been 11 years! I hope you have 50 more!
    And seriously, Emily - could you be the coolest Mom??? Barbie Weddings and Marshmallow wars! You are amazing!!

  3. Best part is seeing Henry dance with the kids! I could watch this over and over and over!!!

  4. come on be tough Em. I came on here just to hear you singing to Layla at the wedding and you must have wimped out. Sorry I didn't mean to make you lose that memory...I want to hear it!

  5. 11 aNNIVERSARY - Ahh on the heart toast! Makes me wonder what I'll come up with for our 39th. you're not old!!! You are so fun Emily - with all the kids, creative on the marshmallow throw!!!
