Monday, July 19, 2010



Logan and his friend Jevin went to
They were so cute, and so excited to go.
I can't believe they are getting so

The kids love to spend their summer days 
at the lake(pond by our house)!
When I came to check on them one day I watched as they all spotted this snake,
instantly yelled for Jay,
and Jay ran and caught it!
I guess he's the only one brave enough to grab them.
I have to admit that I love this about Jay.
Logan is three years older than Jay and
it's my little Jay-Man to the rescue when they spot a snake!
As you can see Logan tried to take all the glory once the thing was caught,
but we all know what really happened!

Lunch in the meadow(grass by the pond)!

These two are so funny together. Dax always tries to turn everything into a weapon,
and Lays tries to turn everyone into Royalty.
It works out though b/c she just pretends he's a Knight!

Local attractions(weedy backyard)!

Taking in a Concert (Dax=artist? Oh ya!) !

Night under the stars(tramp night)!

This was so much fun!
They were looking forward to it all week.
Tom told them scary stories till about 10:10pm,
we went inside to sleep with Henry and...

by 10:22pm they all had to come inside!

Why you ask?

#1.They were sooooooo loud yelling...
#3. I think Tom got them too scared!

All in all, some good times since the trip back home!
Were glad we have our neighbor friends to hang out with cause our kids sure miss being in Canada!


  1. LOL they do look scared! Did they play steam roller? Did they see Willow? (ask Tom)

    I have a picture like the kids with the snake. Angie (Phill's daughter) is in it. I am much less excited to be holding it!

    I can't believe that Jay just reaches in and picks it up. I guess he's like his papa...we were in Montana playing baseball and a rattler got in the middle of the game. He picked it up by its tale, swung it around (a mouse it had just eaten flew out) and he flung it far out into the field. It was very interesting to watch...I guess you might not want to share that story with the kids until they are older. It might give Jay some ideas! LOL

  2. Love these pics and now I can steal them so thanks for this post. The one of Jay grabbing the snake is my fav...his face!! This blog post gives away our secret that you are raising my kids this summer. Thanks for being such an awesome friend and taking them for me so much! Daxton's prayer is so true, we are so thankful for Yaya's mommy and daddy!

  3. Wow, what a fun post.
    Such a great time.
