I can't tell you how much fun she is...
But I'll try!
She is a girlie girl, who obviously
loves to pose for the camera,
But did you know she likes to make up stuff?
Her nursery leader in church tells me cute little stories
about her all the time.
This week she was wearing this black flower
with a great big jewel in the center that I had made for her,
(it's the one that is currently in the Sunday Morning Snapshots)
so her teacher asked,
Teacher- "That is a darling little flower Layla.
Did your Mommy make it for you?"
Layla- "Um... no, she borrowed it from the flower shop!"
Too cute!
Another day when my other friend was taking care of Lays for me,
Layla walked in the house and began to point out everything she
was wearing, saying that a different person had given her
each item. She didn't get one thing right, but she tells her
tales with such conviction it kills me!
You know,
Layla-" Do you like my bracelet? My Auntie Jacklyn
gave it too me!"
She doesn't just make up tales for clothes either.
The other day Lisa my sister in law was taking care of the kids,
and she was asking them what letter their names started with,
Lisa- "Jay, what does your name start with?"
Jay-" uh, uh, a J, J-a-y!"
Layla- " Mine starts with an L, L-a-y!"
Lisa- "Do you guys know what your last name starts with?"
(I have not taught them this one yet, so...)
Layla- "Platypus!"
I think Layla's motto is,
Speaking of shouting stuff out.
I was fixing one of her little hooks the other day, while
I was talking on the phone to my cousin Jade so I wasn't
paying attention to what Layla was saying,
but when I finally tuned her in I heard...
Layla- "Oh, thank you Mommy! Thank you! I love it!
I'm so lucky!"
Then she gave me a huge hug and kiss!
What a heart melter that kid is.
She wishes she had a SISTER, but when she talks about it
I remind her that we can be, if she wants, and she likes that.
She always calls me her BEST FRIEND, and I like that!
p.s. When we play games she makes me talk
"like a princess," if I forget she'll say,
"Mother you aren't talking like
a princess Mother."
That is the only time she ever says "Mother."
You know cause princesses are all proper,
and speak with a high English accent right?
Actually, I think I can blame Tom
for making her think that.
He always talks with an English accent
when they have Tea Parties!